W&jr . Ryan Coughenour站在巨大的KPMG字母旁边.


Created: September 16, 2022  |  Last Updated: November 22, 2022  |  Category:   |  Tagged: , , ,

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(2022年9月16日)——w&小瑞恩·库格诺可能不是一个杂技演员, 但过了这个夏天, 他知道如何平衡收支.

会计专业,经济学和计算机专业 & 信息系统双辅修, 他在费城待了几个月, working at KPMG—one of the big four accounting firms—and exploring the company’s advisory, audit, 作为一名税务实习学者.

Serving in the role allowed Coughenour to experiment with hybrid work and consulting scenarios, 努力掌握Excel, 学习数据分析程序, 比如Alteryx和Microsoft Power BI.

“我在这方面没有太多经验,所以这真的很有价值,”Coughenour说. “It seems like that’s the direction things are shifting in for all three practices, 所以这绝对是一项值得学习的好技能.”

虽然培养这种技能提高了他工作的各个方面, Coughenour最喜欢在咨询服务中使用它.

“Out of the three practices, it seemed like advisory was the most dynamic,库夫纳尔说. “It seemed like every day was different and had high-level problem solving, 我觉得很有趣.”

不过,他对实习的欣赏超越了工作本身. 库夫纳尔在这个角色中变得更加自信, 寻找多种贡献方式, 并学会了与各种各样的员工合作.

“这真的是一次很棒的经历,库夫纳尔说, noting that, 在他的最后一周, the company flew him to Florida for the presentation of his capstone project. “但到目前为止,人是最好的部分. Everyone was unbelievably friendly, and I made a lot of connections through networking.”


“There were 15 other embark scholars who I was obviously super close with,库夫纳尔说, “但我有很多深刻的见解, 与毕马威各级员工进行一对一的谈话和共进午餐, 从助理到合伙人.”



我咨询过瑞秋·斯托克, 职业道路中心的副主任, 和达纳·艾伦, 会计学助理教授, 为了得到这个角色, Coughenour is already establishing a career of his own with the support of W&J.

“我已经接受了毕马威(KPMG) 2023年夏季交易咨询-财务尽职调查咨询实习的邀请,库夫纳尔说. “W&J has prepared me extremely well [and] KPMG is definitely somewhere I want to be in the future.”

对华盛顿 & det365app

Washington & 杰斐逊学院,坐落于宾夕法尼亚州的华盛顿., is a historic liberal arts college founded in 1781 that values ethical leadership, 职业准备, 以及包容的社区. det365app高度定制和智力参与的学生体验培养了不同寻常的诚信专业人士,在不断变化的世界中发挥领导作用. 欲了解更多关于W&J, visit kwa7n.volamdolong.com 或致电888 - w -和-杰.